

une couche concave, de forme ovale


martiensgohome is a sound collective based in Brussels.

It is primarily active in radio art, producing sixty minutes of improvised music every week. The principle of every broadcast is as concept-less as possible: the musicians gather and play without planning or discussing the sessions beforehand (which could perversely be seen as a kind of concept in itself). No rules are imposed, except obvious tacit ones like listening to each other and respecting every proposal, and no structures are determined in advance, except a randomly chosen timing for each part, as well as a randomly attributed "first musician to play" position.

martiensgohome has been recently asked to contribute a 22-hour long radio piece for Radio Art Zone in 2022. During their session in Jambes, the quartet has taken the opportunity to compile some new material, and to expand into a quintet by including Diana Duta in the game. This 31-minute recording splices together a section from the very beginning and one from the very end of the session.

Recorded in Jambes, October 2021.